
Showing posts from June, 2020

YAML format

Mappings UnityYAML supports both flow and block styles. Scalars UnityYAML supports double and single quoted scalars as well as plain scalars. You can split them onto multiple lines. Be aware that multi-line scalars can create performance and memory overheads during parsing. Plain scalars split onto multiple lines must be indented more than the previous line. You can use UTF–8 characters in scalars, but UnityYAML only decodes them when they are part of a double quoted scalar. Sequences UnityYAML supports mapping, block styles, and block sequences that contain block mappings. SOURCE:


Physical script - NODES SECOND SCRIPT - BUILD MANAGER several types data and number double data - name, integer, float game object variable inside the ram - data type by unity public variable 0 changed outside the script itself privaye variables can only be changed by the program itself void start begins the script "if a turret is not empty" turret is not empty if there is a turret there, its going to say it cannot build turret to build is going to pull up build manager. its create an instance of the turret of the prefab. on mouse-enter, when mouse goes inside of objects bounding box, rend.material/color - color on mouse-exit bounding box, it will call up material, color value, set that value to the setcolor stores turret in build manager build manager within a build manager build manager - parent build manager - child instantiation - create a prefab and we create a copy standard turre...



Console Window

The Console Window shows errors, warnings and other messages generated by Unity. SOURCE:

Prefab - Definition

pre-configured reusable GameObjects that you create in the scene and store in the project. SOURCE:

Unity - Accessing Scene Files
