
  • Physical script - NODES

several types data and number

data - name, integer,

game object variable inside the ram - data type by unity

public variable 0 changed outside the script itself

privaye variables can only be changed by the program itself

void start begins the script

"if a turret is not empty"

turret is not empty

  1. if there is a turret there, its going to say it cannot build
  2. turret to build is going to pull up build manager. its create an instance of the turret of the prefab.

  1. on mouse-enter, when mouse goes inside of objects bounding box, rend.material/color - color
  2. on mouse-exit bounding box, it will call up material, color value, set that value to the setcolor
stores turret in build manager

build manager within a build manager

build manager - parent

build manager - child

instantiation - create a prefab and we create a copy

standard turret prefab

turret to build

Instantiation script/code - spawn objects

OnMousedown means left-button click
onmouseexit mouse leaves object's bounding box

camera controls - 
scripts - add components

Private tool - TRUE

Update - listener


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